It is Super Bowl Sunday and we are playing a TPT SUPER SUNDAY SALE GAME!! Yup! A group of bloggers have gotten together to shake things up a bit. Do you plan on shopping on Sunday? If so, check out some of the items below and see if you can win our TPT Super Sunday Sale game.
Here is how it works. All of the resources posted below have a hidden letter in them. You can find this hidden letter on the second page of the resource. All of the letters will spell out: 49'ers or Ravens. So, for example, if you buy my Reader's Companion for Enemy Pie, you will find the secret letter "E". If you buy Valerie's St. Patrick's Day Craftivity, you will find the letter "V". Collect as many letters as you can and then root for your favorite team!! After the game, check to see if you have enough letters to spell out the winning team. If you do, be the first to post your name and email address AND the items you purchased that spell out the winning team. Within 24 hours all of the sellers listed below will email you one free item from their store. Sound easy??? Of course it does!!! Follow the links below and check out all of the items that have hidden letters. Only the items on this linky qualify. While your at it, be sure to follow these TPT stores to get updated every time new resources are added! Enjoy your Sunday, Happy shopping : )
4 CUPID-A Sweet Sight Word Game
9 Valentine's Day BINGO Game
E Enemy Pie Reader's Companion or, Super "e" Heroes-A CVCe Word Game,
or It's About Elapsed Time
R Prefix/Suffix/Root-of-the-Day-Book-and-Bundle
S St. Patrick's Day Craftivities
R Roll and Graph a President
A American Symbols Activities
V Valentine's Literacy Centers Aligned to Common Core
E Enemy Pie Reader's Companion or, Super "e" Heroes-A CVCe Word Game,
or It's About Elapsed Time
N Mixed Numbers Concentration/Matching Cards
S Iditarod Themed Bulletin Board Project with Student Activities and extra clip art images
Who is the winner going to be???
Terri's Teaching Treasures
I can't wait to see who the winner is!!