It is the end of the school year and things are finally starting to slow down. Over the next few weeks I will spending a few periods each week facilitating activities that my students have chosen to do. All year they ask to learn certain things....do certain things. But due to testing, sometimes we just don't have enough time to get to anything that isn't in the curriculum. Now that testing is done and we have a little more breathing room, I have been taking student requests! (How cool is that!!) One day while having a conversation about internet safety and how things that are posted in the internet are forever in "cyberspace", one of my students started talking about thier facebook page. After stressing that they aren't old enough for facebook (I teach 4th grade), some students insisted that they have an account while others stated that they wished they could have an account.... and then......VOILA!! It came to me! Why not create a "classbook" page!! I thought about creating a bulletin board that students could "update", "share" ideas on and"comment" on. But, I wanted to create something that they could keep forever. So, after tossing the idea around for a little bit, I came up with the "
memorybook" idea
. I shared the idea with my students and they were excited!! We talked about things I could put into the memory book and then I got started on it. I am happy to share this resource with you because I know your students will LOVE it!! I will be doing it with my students at the end of May.
Are you thinking about providing a memory book for your students? If so, you have use this template! It is all created for you, all you have to do is add paper! With only a few weeks left of school, you can use this hands-on activity as a workshop/center, partner, or small group activity.
On Wednesday evening I posted a status on
The Diary of a Not So Wimpy Teacher's facebook page announcing that arrival of my student memory book. I asked for teachers to share the grade they enjoyed most when they were in elementary school and received over 40 comments! Congratulations to comment #15, Jennifer Marron! You have been randomly selected to win your free copy of the Not So Wimpy Student Memory Book. Comment on this post with your email to receive your PDF!

Thanks for stopping by!
WOW!! Thank you! So cool : )