Monday, August 26, 2013

A Freebie and a Giveaway!

So I got into my classroom today. Unfortunately, I have been spending all of my time cleaning the room out and I haven't had a chance to get my stuff in yet....#stressed. But I have been working around the clock while at home to make sure when I can get my stuff in there, everything is "ret-to-go"! I just finished a classroom theme set that I absolutely adore. I was initially going to use the Super Kids Classroom Theme Set  but....well....things change, lol! I wanted something else and I think these colors "POP".

I also made a few resources to compliment this classroom theme. I will be using this one on the first day of school. I have glitter, string, paint, crayons, paper bags and stickers...I am ready.<<< for this, nothing else, lol!

One last thing I added to my store using this theme is a lunchtime invite that I use with my students in the beginning of the year. I wasn't going to talk about it on my blog until I finished my post on the responsive classroom but... that isn't getting done this week so I figured I would share it today. Go get it!

Finally, I have a big and easy to enter giveaway going on until Saturday. If you have bought anything from my store...BAM...10 points...EASY! If you buy multiple items, feel free to enter everyday and get 10 points! Just know that I will be checking for your username to crosscheck purchases made (you get 10 points for every purchase). The other two ways to earn points is super easy...follow my TPT store, follow my FB page.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

I hope to have some classroom photos for you in the next few days....just know, I am sooooo overwhelmed (in a good way). It is a lot. Teachers should get a complimentary certification in interior design because it takes some serious skills to get the room right! I have seen some wonderful room designs, some which have inspired my layout. Check back soon. But before you go, tell me where you are in the back to school frenzy! Are you in school or losing sleep getting prepared to get there? Don't forget to enter the giveaway above. Smooches  :)

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Visit my TPT for more resources and activities. Be sure to follow my store to get regular updates on new items added to my store.
  Pre-K, Kindergarten, First, Second, Third, Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh, Twelfth, Higher Education, Adult Education, Homeschooler, Staff -

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